Theme and spirit

We are happy to announce that MCEB will take place in Granada, Spain for its 2025 edition. The meeting will put the emphasis on methods and models for phylogenomics and population genomics. Various evolutionary scales, ranging from close populations to distantly related species, will be considered. We hope that the conference will provide a rich and broad overview of the current challenges in this research area and establish new perspectives in order to foster future research projects. 

Beyond this year's themes, general concepts, models, methods and algorithms will be presented and discussed, just as in the previous editions of MCEB. As usual, the meeting will bring together researchers originating from various disciplines: mathematics, statistics, computer science, phylogenetics, population genetics, molecular epidemiology, biodiversity and macroevolution... Keynote speakers will introduce a field of research and discuss their own work in this field. Afternoon will be for short presentations and posters, with plenty of time for discussions. We will stop early every day, thus leaving time for other activities.


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Practical informations

  • Place : "Carmen de la Victoria" and "Corrala de Santiago", Granada, Spain.
  • Dates : May 12-16th, 2025. The conference will begin Monday evening and will end at about 3pm on Friday.
  • Fees : Between 650€ to 850€. Fees will vary depending on the type of room, shared (for students) or individual. They include accommodation for four nights with breakfast, lunches, coffee breaks, two dinners and drinks around posters from Monday night until Friday lunch time included.
  • Abstract submission : before submitting an abstract for a poster or an oral presentation, you need to register to the scienceconf system. Please follow the link at the top right corner of the submission page ("login" button) in order to proceed with this mandatory step. You should receive an email confirming your abstract submission.
  • Pre-registration : If you are planning on attending the conference without presenting your work, you still need to preregister by submitting an abstract indicating your motivations (and a link to your web page, if any). 
  • Deadline for abstract submission : February, 21st, 2025. Notification of acceptance March, 15th, 2025.  


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